Thursday, July 24, 2008


Decided to watch a lil' of Obama in Berlin, since I heard it was like a pretty moving speech... Anyways, here's what I saw...

How's that for targeted advertising? Pretty creepy. Ummm if you can't see that well, it says, "Is it OK to Unconditionally Meet With Anti-American Foreign Leaders?" and has a picture of our Buddy in Iran, next to a menacing/unflattering pic of Obama. Nice guys, classy. At the bottom in small text says, "Paid for by John McCain for President 2008".

Now I don't want this to become a totally politico blog, because that's real lame, and I know a lot of things I've said on here of late is real politico-ey... but if you haven't listened to Obama speak, it really is worth a listen. If you're a repub, a dem, a far-left, a far-right... whatever... it's something you should do... I don't care if you're gonna vote for him or not. I think everyone should experience a truly great orator once in their life. Here is a man who can speak and inspire, and I think it's probably a good idea to be aware of that kinda thing... so get yourself on the youtube, which is on the internets, owned by the google. That's on the computer. And check it.

In OTHER news: Ummmm sometime soon I'll tell you about the eeriest week of my life... but not now... Now I'm tired.

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