Saturday, October 11, 2008


Ummm, STL Today (I'm assuming that's some sort of paper in the St. Louis area) has a great article on it's endorsement of Obama. Read it HERE. It talks about his qualifications. It talks about why him versus McCain. But probably the most striking thing, is that it doesn't mention his race until the very end:

Finally, only at this late point do we note that Barack Obama is an African-American. Because of who he is and how he has run his campaign, that fact has become almost incidental to most Americans. Instead, his countrymen are weighing his talents, his values and his beliefs, judging him not by the color of his skin, but the content of his character.

That says something profound and good — about him as a candidate and about us as a nation.

The author's reference to MLK aside, I'm kinda inclined to agree... although I think about HALF of America is judging him SOLELY on the color of his skin... Aka: He's an Arab...

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