Monday, February 18, 2008

Smear ya Later

What's with all the Obama Smears lately? Have the corporate media machine, and the Clinton/McCain machines really been that scared by the senator? I mean, I'll admit, I wasn't 100% sold on the guy a few weeks back. But I've been looking at what he stands for (the "issues" on his website)... I AM disappointed that both he and Hill didn't vote on the FISA bill, and McCain did (luckily, coming out in favor of TELCOM immunity... asshole). But I saw on Friday how CNN has begun referring to Obama supporters as "cult-like and "creepy" (sorry, couldn't find the link again). Then today there's this blowing up all over the news. The particular article is from the Huffington Post. You remember Ariana Huffington, don't you? That super annoying conservative chick who decided that she was getting no love from neo-cons, so she opted to become a democrat, and therefore is now liberal? Yeah. And she's rich, so she started a website/blog and has lots of contributors and fellow smear-ers? Yeah. Or this article from the Washington Post (slogan: "We're better than the Washington Times!") which is entitled "Obama and Clinton: Copycats?" which never really attacks Clinton, because "she's not running on the strength of her rhetoric". Are you fucking KIDDING ME? You're pissed at Obama because he's a good speaker? Because his words inspire us? Because his message of hope and reconciliation scare you? What exactly is the problem, I wonder? I mean, I know he's a black man in America, so there's about 5 million people who won't vote for him specifically because of that... but those are the same racist assholes who never vote Democratic anyways. It's funny to me how little the Republicans care about the poor, and yet the impoverished South ALWAYS votes Republican. I'm moving to Mexico. Oh wait.

But here's the thing... why the Smear? Why? I don't feel like I'm in a cult. I feel like I might give money to Obama. I might. I probably won't. But that's because I'm a Jew, and you know... the money thing. But I'm kinda feeling like Clinton has turned into this evil creature I've grown to loathe over the last 8 years. I was all about her getting elected to the Senate. I was all about her Health Care Plan for America. WHEN SHE WAS THE FIRST LADY. Somewhere along the line, Hillary went from this great symbol of womanly leadership (a fiery, smart and cunning woman)—the kind of women in power that I felt good about having in life for my mother and my sister and my female friends— to more of the useless, do NOTHING, Washington regular who IS the problem. I don't know when it happened. But Hillary claims to have this huge history of "getting it done". Being "ready from day ONE". What has Hillary really done in 8 years in the Senate? Aside from authorized the war? Under her watch a bevy of unbelievable judicial candidates, justice dept heads, and other appointees were given green lights. Ummm the economy is in the shitter. Ummm we still don't have a health care plan. Ummm every child left behind... Ummm yeah she's doing great work. Walmart seems to be doing really well though. I'm pissed at you Hillary. You've alienated this young voter. And it wasn't even with your shitty voting record. Because for a while I was resigned to the fact that, "Hillary will get the nomination and I will vote for her". No, I think you lost my reluctant vote when you decided you were scared of Obama. When his message of change looked as if someone might actually vote for him.

The Founding Fathers of this country were brilliant orators. Their speeches enlivened a fledgling nation to shake off its oppressors. When you were in the 5th grade, and learning about the Civil War (War of Northern Aggression for you below the Mason Dixie Line), and your teacher read you the Gettysburg Address (1526 Gettysburg Lane, apt 4), did it not stir something inside you? A well given speech can be as moving as music. Ideas and thoughts and feelings conveyed in a way that elicits an emotional reaction and speaks directly to YOU even though the speech is given to MILLIONS. That's magical. That's something that our current "President" could never dream of.

This has turned into a really long rambling blog. One last point. Well, two. First, McCain voted in FAVOR of the US torturing. Keep in mind, he was tortured. Second, people in this country either love Hillary or HATE her. She is a very polarizing figure. And her insistence that she will use the so-called Super Delegates (Washington Insiders and people who are part of the PROBLEM) to override the will of the people to win the nomination is just one more example of why. She's power-hungry. She always has been. And the feeling I got when the Clintons left office and she made a grab for a Senate seat in a state in which she did not live (although they bought a house near my aunt and had owned it for the requisite amount of time before the election...) is the same one I have now. She's fine, and maybe she'll be better than Bush. She probably isn't completely evil. And yeah, it's great to have a strong woman leading. But I'm pretty sure for the good of the country as a whole, both internally, and on the international stage, we need someone who is free of the Shackles of Washington. Someone who's not a career politician who's not tied to all that special interest money. Someone like ME*. Or failing that, Kucinich (minus the Alien probe). Or failing that, Obama. He's not perfect, I'll admit. But I mean, at least he doesn't want to be in Iraq for another HUNDRED years. (like McCain).

*Yes I did just declare myself in the running for the Democratic Nomination. And I'd like to use this opportunity to concede the race to Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton. They've run a good race, and our campaign just ran out of steam right at the...well, right at the beginning. But have no fear... I'll be back...

1 comment:

BrownDumper said...

Huffington Post contributors are the scum of the earth. Case in point: