Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Real quick

OK, I don't really have the energy to dive into all the details of the latest epic move in the life of Gurf. Special friend awards to KC, Gflizo, Meadyfresh, and Isrea. You guys kick ass. Tomorrow will come a special diatribe on that whole thing.

No, this is a quick, one-off about a weird tech thought I just had. Basically, was on myspace, and doing a little be-stalkery, checking out some random chick's pics, and the first pic was the typical myspace artsy vanity shot. She looked great. The second and fourth pic were weird. Don't remember the third. But the two in question were both close-up head-shots. And the girl had a MASSIVE zit on her chin in both. Different sides each time. So two massive zits in a 4 pic span, which amounts to the totality of her herspace. Yeah. And the first thought that snapped into my sick mind was, "Photoshop girl, DAMN"... And I mean, it's fine... I have zits, you have zits, we all break out from time to time, but like, unless this is some chronic shit, and that's like the BEST it's ever looked, either A) find a pic where you're not breaking out, or B) airbrush the shit out of your ugly fucking face. Honestly, I spend my time looking at the finely groomed mugs of some of the world's hottest women. The LEAST you could do is TCB a little...

1 comment:

Melly said...

taking the title "lovable asshole" to a whole new level...