Friday, November 28, 2008

Where's Mine?

How about this: All outstanding federal student loan debt is forgiven... I mean, look, these multi-BILLION dollar bailouts we are giving to irresponsible businessmen may be a "great" idea for the economy, but the fact that nearly 100% of people who try to better themselves through higher education begin their working career in debt seems like a pretty bad deal. Shit, Germany has free school. Is that a bad idea? What could be better for the economy than forgiving the debt of MILLIONS of people? Don't you think that struggling post-grads would be more apt to pay off their credit cards (the next chip to fall) if they didn't also have to pay off $120,000 for those four years at Virginia Tech? Don't you think that more young families would be able to BUY HOMES and PAY their MORTGAGES if they didn't have stifling debt? And how much do you think that it would ACTUALLY cost to forgive the outstanding debt? A Billion? Ten billion? A Hundred Billion? Certainly not the 8.5 TRILLION dollars that some calculate the bailout is currently reaching. And wouldn't you rather $100 Billion of your hard earned dollars go towards helping people who NEED it, rather than people who already squandered it? On THAT note:

Why do we still have poverty in this country? The richest fucking country in the fucking world, and 2 million children go to bed hungry every night. While we're so busy bailing out Wall Street, to stave off the collapse of the entire world's financial markets, don't you think there's a billion or 10 in there we could find to like, I dunno, buy everyone in this country a house? Or like, feed the homeless? Or build the homeless FREE housing? Or like, buy em a winter jacket? Or like, I dunno, just END poverty? But Gurftastic, that sounds like SOCIALIST ideas to me... or even... C...C...C....Communism...

Well, no it's not, dumbass. It's common fucking sense. First of all, what the FUCK is so wrong with Socialism? I mean, didn't Jesus, or whomever the FUCK you worship supposedly say the MEEK shall inherit the Earth? Don't all the Bible stories basically say, be kind to everyone and help out the poor? What's wrong with sharing wealth
? What's wrong with taking someone who has nothing, and giving them a fighting chance? What's wrong with helping the homeless in this country, in which 1 out of 2 is a veteran of our armed forces? Is America the greatest country in the world? Let's prove it.

Fuck it, I'm out.

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