Sunday, March 30, 2008



In other news, have you heard about this new Federal Reserve proposal? Kinda weird. I mean I learned recently that the Federal Reserve Bank (the central bank of the United States) is not in fact a government agency. The Fed, is in fact a combination of a privately owned bank, with a government appointed board of directors. The Treasury department prints the money, but the Fed controls the nation's wealth. Interesting. And what's more interesting is that apparently we are borrowing money from the Fed (at interest). Every dollar in your pocket. Yeah... I don't really understand how. I really don't understand why. But I do get a bit squeamish when I think that perhaps this is not a benevolent little plan the Fed is trying to enact. Here's the wikipedia article on the Fed. In the era of big government and ever approaching bigger government power grabs, it seems a little unsettling that a non-government agency that has so much power of the world's economic stability is looking to make a grab at MORE influence on the world. Yeah.

And now for something completely different: Why do chicks in NYC have the best asses in America? I think it's because they walk everywhere. But it's pretty fucking epic. I also have wondered (I think in a gurftastic blog) why there are always so many fucking people walking around NYC at any given moment. And why are there always people out during the day walking around? I mean I don't have a job... but shouldn't some of them have one?

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