Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Claro que sí

So the game was over, Obregon had won, and the dude pulled out his blue plastic bag of shrimp, and started offering them around. There were whole prawns there, heads and all, cooked... Now normally I wouldn't just go around eating shrimp out of a bag, but you know, it's Mexico, so what the fuck. Also, I'd had a few beers. So I figured plastic bag shrimp would really hit the spot. I think shrimp dude liked me, mostly because I'd spent beers 3-6 screaming derisive chants (mostly in spanish) at number 24, the opposing team's center-fielder who happened to be the one in closest ear-shot. When "Daryl... Daryl..." didn't make him cry, I opted for insults about his man-hood, his mother, his preferred method of sexual congress with his close relatives and his canine, his steroid popping ways, and how he keeps fucking up. Pretty sure I was inside his head.

My first impression of Mazatlan: kinda tourist hell. Upon further inspection, especially of old-town Maz, it's actually a sweet beach community that happens to have this overabundance of tourist-trappiness. But the actual Mazatlan (the non-resort, non-Americanized part) is quite beautiful and wonderful. Cab drivers in Mexico act as pimps and drug dealers. I say this with knowledge because as I stumbled out of a club in Mazatlan one night, a cab driver said, "Hey amigo, want coke... coke-ay-ine-ah?" I said, "no thanks". "You want girl, amigo? Hot girl? Sexo?" "No thanks, I'm into ferrets." "¿Qué?"

Mexican TV seems to have a LOT more nudity than US TV. I'm not complaining. Just happened upon a show on "ultimate poker" where a guy interviews models and asks them if they like poker. They all do, miraculously. Then they take their clothes off for some reason. One girl was from Santa Monica. The show is in English, although I don't really see it making it's way to the states quite yet...

I tried to watch more of the A-team movie, but really it was just painful. It's on like every night here. I've seen segments from different parts of the movie, and I'm completely convinced it's about 8 hours long, because it really seems to be 4 fully separate movies. My new hypothesis is that it's a series of really bad A-team episodes that all center around the A-team doing weird shit, not in LA, and working for this guy:

Yes, that is Robert Vaughn, the Man from UNCLE, aka the bad guy from Superman III. It's confusing, because the movie channel (that would be TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES that shows the A-team here) lists it as simply "Brigada A", and the length seems to indicate that it would be a movie, but upon further IMDB inspection, it turns out that these are some of the late A-team episodes from 1986. Somehow, the A-team no longer works for themselves (cause that would be too easy), and instead work for Robert Vaughn. No he's not having them build a "super" computer in Arizona, complete with video-game-stylized-guided-missile-system. Instead he sends them on a series of tasks. The fucked up thing about it is A) the music is all synth as opposed to the normal bad 80's band version (even the theme song) B) there's some random Latino dude named Frankie "Dishpan" Santana who is the extra sidekick to Mad Murdoch, C) it's the only show on in English at like 11pm, D) the episode I attempted to watch centered around the A-team in Hong Kong. Think about that for a second. Because remember that Sgt. Bosco "BA" Baracus's whole thing was that he doesn't fly (no I didn't know his whole name, Seth, I IMDB'd the show, remember). So, how the hell did they get there? Drug him? Mr. T ain't no fool.

In other news, I don't know that I've ever sweat in my sleep in January. Certainly not while the heat is off at least. But it's fucking hot here, like 85 everyday, and the past two nights have been really warm. So yeah... and it's only going to get hotter. It's all fun and games coming from Rochester, but you know, it's not like a perfect paradise...

1 comment:

BrownDumper said...

Nude chick from Santa Monica? Awesome! Was her name 'Joan'?